The Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students was founded in September 1993 and is a Non-profit and Non-Governmental Civil Society with broad volunteering activity. It consists of 7 Chapters in all Greek medical schools, lists more than 3000 members and its actions are targeted towards all medical students, as well as students of related health science schools.
The aim of SSHMS is the activation of medical students and their involvement in scientific, social and educational matters, while its goal is the production of scientific and social work, with a clear focus on the selfless giving and volunteering.
At the same time, the SSHMS’s activities, independently of their scientific, educational and social character, also aim to strengthen the ties between medical students and students of related health science schools, through the reinforcement of team work and the cultivation of cooperation. The work of SSHMS has long exceeded the borders of the university institutions and now enters partnerships with public and private institutions, as well as social organizations, paving the ground for development of initiatives by the young.
The SSHMS has entered partnerships with the majority of scientific institutions of our country, such as the Panhellenic Medical Association and local corresponding associations, the Athens Medical Society, the Hellenic Cardiological Society and many more, but also with international ones, such as the American College of Surgeons and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. At the same time, it keeps close relationships with a number of voluntary organizations, such as Doctors of the World and the Ark of the world.