parallax layer

For 25+ years in the large family of SSHMS, we produce ideas, actions,

collaborate and discover our abilities.

We are waiting for you!




Who we are

The SSHMS was established in September of 1993 and is a non-governmental, nonprofit civil Society with broad volunteering activity. The SSHMS has chapters in every Greek Medical School and lists by more than 3000 members. It is directed toward medical students and students of related Health Sciences.

What we do

Our goal is the energizing of medical students about scientific, social and educational issues as well as to promote volunteerism through different types of volunteering activities that they can engage in.


Established in 1993

7 Chapters | 1 in each Medical School

We are 4000 + Members

Our Events

Become a member of SSHMS to be able to participate in

our Events and share your ideas with us.

Get informed from your School’s Chapter !

At a National Level

Scientific Conference of Hellenic Medical Students

The Scientific Conference of Hellenic Medical Students (SCHMS) is the pinnacle of the activities of the Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students (SSHMS). Organized on an annual basis, since 1995 and every year is held in a different Chapter of SSHMS.

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Primary Healthcare
Elective Placements Program “Apovasis”

It is a summer program organized annualy in collaboration with Healthcare Units in various destinations in Greece. During this program, students have the opportunity to work voluntarily in the context of regional General Hospitals and Health Centers while practicing ther clinical skills and getting to know the challenges of Primary Healthcare and Rural Practice.

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28th Scientific Congress of Hellenic
Medical Students (S.C.H.M.S.)
16th International Forum for Medical Students
and Junior Doctors

13th – 15th of May 2022

Athens Crowne Plaza Hotel

Our Events | In each Chapter


In each Chapter of SSHMS, in cooperation with academic and non-academic partners, meetings are organised about the hot topics of medicine and society, for instance, the bone marrow donation, the organ transplantation. Another aim is the organisation of meetings about breakthroughs in medicine for medical students and students of faculties close to medicine.

Educational Workshops

During the whole year workshops of trauma suturing, BLS Seminars, Clinical Sill Courses are organised for medical students. The target is not only the education of medical students in simple clinical skills but also the simulation of difficult cases which they have to deal with as future doctors.

Established Events

Having developed stables cooperations with academic and non-academic partners, in each Chapter some events have been established as events of national range. For instance, the program ΕΚΥΒΕ ( Helping the Rural Health Centers of Northern Greece ), the ABCS3 ( Applied Clinical Seminar with Scenarios for Students – Thessaloniki), the CCIM ( Clinical Course of Internal Medicine – Patras ) and the ECS ( Emergency Cases School – Alexandroupolis).

Medical Volunteerism

The SSHMS with the aim of raising awareness and activating society, regularly organises voluntary donations, bazaars for supporting vulnerable social groups, collection of basic products for institutions and vulnerable social groups, and street actions to inform the community about major health issues.


Will you… Marrow me ?

Get Informed | Become a Bone Marrow Donor

It is a simple action to save a Life !


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SSHMS Alumni | ΕΕΦΙΕ Alumni

The Alumni of the Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students (SSHMS) was founded on the 14th of May 2016. It consists of past members of the SSHMS and has as a goal to preserve the relationships between them and the active medical students team of the SSHMS.

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