The World Hellenic Biomedical Association (WHBA) is proud to announce that it will be hosting the 7th Summer School in Medical & Biosciences Research & Management. The Summer School is scheduled to take place in Neo Itilo – Lakonia, and Athens, Greece May 16-25, 2018.
The Summer School in Medical and Biosciences Research & Management is an annual educational activity of the WHBA whose aim is to expose top-notch experts in biomedical research to Undergraduate students (with a medical and biosciences background), Graduate students, Post-Doctoral Researchers, and Physicians in training (both residents and clinical fellows).In addition to the Scientific training, the Summer School aims to familiarize students with “real life” situations that scientists from Academia and the Pharma & Biotech Industries face on a day-to-day basis. This year, 50 students will be selected based on their academic merit.
Applications for participation can be submitted online from November 20, 2017 to January 8, 2018(
Financial Support:
Students accepted to the Summer School will be sponsored for the following:
- Hotel accommodation (May 15 – 25, 2018)
- Transfer the Athens and Summer School Location (to be announced soon)
Required Application Documentation:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Undergraduate & Graduate Students – 1 page
- Postdocs & Physicians in training – up to 3 pages
- Personal Statement (up to 500 words)
- Undergraduate Transcript
Application Evaluation Criteria:
- Academic record of the applicant
- Awards that indicate academic excellence
- Original peer-review publications (especially for graduate students and postgraduate trainees)
- Quality of the personal statement with regards to future plans of the applicant and use of the English language
- Extracurricular activities that indicate outstanding service to the community or leadership skills
Applicants should never contact the scientific board or reviewers regarding their applications. Discussing an application or attempting to influence review outcome will constitute a conflict of interest in the review. Reviewers must notify the WHBA executive board if an applicant contacts them.
For questions please contact the WHBA executive board