S.S.H.M.S. : In a few words . . .
The Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students (S.S.H.M.S.) was founded in September 1993 and is a non-profit and non-governmental society with broad activities in the fields of medical education and volunteering. It consists of 7 Chapters in all of the 7 Greek Medical Schools (Athens, Alexandroupolis, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Crete, Larissa, Patras) and lists more than 4.000 members.
The aim of SSHMS is the involvement of medical students as well as students of related health sciences schools in scientific, educational and social matters, while its goal is the production of scientific and social work, with a clear focus on the selfless giving and volunteering.
Meanwhile, S.S.H.M.S.’s activities also aim to strengthen the bonds between the students-members, through the reinforcement of team-work and cooperation. The work of S.S.H.M.S. has long exceeded the borders of the university institutions and it has entered partnerships with public and private institutions, as well as social organizations, paving the ground for development of initiatives by the young.
Our society’s most important event is the Scientific Congress of Hellenic Medical Students (S.C.H.M.S.), which is annually hosted by a different Chapter. The academic community has embraced the S.C.H.M.S., as proven by the participation of thousands of health sciences students and hundreds of Professors, as well as the high scientific level of the Congress, that have categorized it among the most timeless and numerous medical congresses of the country.
In the context of the Congress the students have the opportunity to develop in various ways their scientific interests, to familiarize with the conduct and presentation of research projects, to contact with acclaimed Professors and also meet with peers from Greece and abroad.
Learn more about the S.C.H.M.S. HERE.
Throughout the years and while being extrovert, the S.S.H.M.S. has developed and realizes activities of panhellenic range with the support of the academic community and various concrete collaborations with associations and sponsors.
Some examples are listed below:
– APOVASIS the annual Primary Healthcare Elective Placements Program (Learn more HERE)
– Will you…Marrow me? – Bone Marrow Donation Campaign (Learn more HERE)
– EKYVE – Reinforcement of Health Centers of Northern Greece (Learn more HERE)
– ABCS3 – Applied Basic Clinical Seminar with Scenarios for Students _ Thessaloniki (Learn more HERE)
– CCIMS – Clinical Course of Internal Medicine & Surgery _ Patras (Learn more HERE)
– ECS – Emergency Cases School _ Alexandroupolis (Learn more ΕΔΩ)
– Med TrUTH – Medical Training in University of Thessaly _ Larissa (Learn more HERE)
Moreover, a big variety of activities takes place in each Chapter during every academin year.
In more detail, the members can participate in:
– Educational Worskhops on clinical skills (Suturing Skills, First Aid Seminars, Basic Clinical Skills, Fractures Immobilization, Emergency Cases Management, Electrocardiogram Basic Skills, Introduction to Ultrasound, Introduction to Laparoscopic Surgery etc)
– Conferences that aim to provide information on current medical topics and bioethical issues and to raise students’ awareness on hot medicosocial dilemmas and taboos (addictive substances, mental health, biomedical applications, sleep benefits, medical debates, medical specialty choice, perspectives in Greece and abroad etc)
– Social Contribution Activities (Blood Donation, bazaars / lotteries etc)
How can I register as a member?
In order for someone to become a member of the Society, they have to be an undergraduate medical student or student of related health sciences schools. Registration to the S.S.H.M.S. is performed with an application form and one-time payment. All of the society’s activities are organized by students-volunteers that form individual Organizing Committees (Learn more HERE). Every member has the right to take part in assemblies, programs, activities and organizing committees of the society’s events.
New members registrations are carried out in the society’s different Chapters.
Contact us: info@eefie.org (Learn more HERE).
Social Media
Facebook : facebook.com/eefie.sshms
Instagram : @eefie_sshms
We are looking forward to welcome fellow students with ideas, concerns, creativity, imagination and ready to take action in our big team.
Can’t wait to meet you all in our offices!